The Chicago Meme - December contest!
The new Chicago Meme Contest displays for late November and December are here! It's time to vote for your favorite! Which one deserves the win? Cast your vote today!

- From : Beth Simmons

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Melissa Keltman

Melissa Keltman I agree with Elin.

Raven Flynn

Raven Flynn Why are these memes so good lol

Isabelle Tiernan

Isabelle Tiernan These memes just keep getting better and better

Elin Williams

Elin Williams I wanna yell in chat XD So relatable

Nesrine Khaleesi

Nesrine Khaleesi ya'll are getting too good at memes xD

Florence Claremont

Florence Claremont OMG these are amazing XD

Paige Miller

Paige Miller They are amazing!

Madelyn Carrow

Madelyn Carrow OH MY GOSH I love them all!

Nathaniel Aedirne

Nathaniel Aedirne HAHHAH they are amazing!

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