Fourth stop - The amity neighborhood
September 15, 2024
Dear Chicagoans,

As we were heading towards the Candor district, we had to deviate from our course. A story about a dog, a sausage and an escape that's not very interesting to tell. Our mad dash took us to the Amity area, where we easily found a room for the night.

I must say, the change of atmosphere was refreshing, to say the least! As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by an explosion of color. Fields of golden wheat and orchards full of ripe fruit look like something out of a painting. It seems that every season has its charm here, but summer is particularly festive. I might as well tell you that I took the opportunity to sample an unreasonable number of apples and pears. Don't worry, I shared.

The Amity area lives up to its reputation: peaceful and welcoming. The people are smiling, always ready to chat, but I have to admit that this constant benevolence is a little unsettling. Is it just me, or do these smiles end up looking a little too... fixed? Maybe I'm just being paranoid after my stay with the Erudites, where everyone seemed to be constantly pondering the meaning of life.

One of the highlights of our stay was discovering the main square, the beating heart of the neighborhood. Every evening, the locals gather around campfires. With the music, dancing and laughter, it's like a never-ending party. They even have a tradition of “shared storytelling”, where everyone can tell a story about their day. Obviously, we kept a low profile, but everyone seemed genuinely interested in storytelling.

We also explored the trails that line the hills, and I have to say that the views are breathtaking. From the top of some of the hills, you can see a great deal of the other areas. It gives a strange sensation of distance and proximity at the same time, as if everything were within reach, yet separated by an invisible border. It's fascinating and a little unsettling.

I haven't yet made any great intellectual discoveries like the Erudites, but my mind is resting here, and I think that's a good thing. On the other hand, we carefully avoided eating any of the bread the locals tried to give us. Even if Amity seems peaceful and joyful, they sound like a violin out of tune. What value do we place on joy and peace, when it's imposed? It makes you think. It's time to move on to the Candor sector, which was our objective. I hear the atmosphere there is very... different. Definitely more honest.

Take care, and see you soon for new explorations!

— Logan West
To World of Divergent
Somewhere on Earth
Chicago bis