Hi, and welcome to this first edition of Amelia's Interviews ! The concept is quite simple : I will interview people from the site and ask them a few questions, and the first one is no other than
Yi-Jin Sato !
To begin, can you introduce your character in a few words ?
Yes, of course! Yi-jin is, for one thing, the Erudite Faction Representative. While he's smart he can't take hints. A few words I would describe him as are protective, naive, and loving. He's kind of like a big bother or dad!
What do you think would be their favorite subject, and why ?
Oh, definately language arts. Yi-Jin has a passion for romantic classic lit novels. He loves the swoony feelings it gives him.
How did you discover WoD ?
Funny story! I actually was on World of Olympians and I heard people talking about World of Divergent in chat. Since Divergent has always been my favorite book, I decided to join and now here I am! I actually also was in the discord server before launch for a little bit but then left. I didn't know that it had been launched until two-ish months ago.
What do you prefer on the site ?
I really love grading assignments on WoD! It is so much fun to give feedback to people to help them grow in their writing, as a person, and as a character! I also like to throw in a few jokes here and there, so I think that part of it brings a little fun!
Can you tell us more about your job as a faction representative ? What do you prefer about it ?
As a faction representative I basically manage my faction, Erudite. I host events, encouragement articles, fun articles, encourage activity, and give out point milestone awards. I also make sure that if anyone has questions, I can be there for them to guide them in the right direction. I really like this job because while I am a faction representative, I can still reach out to a lot of people. With this job I believe that I can help people be their best selves under my influence, so I really love things like that. Leadership is also a thing that exhilerates me. It's so much fun.
Why did you choose to apply for this job ?
I chose to apply for this job because 1) I am absolutely in love with Erudite. Always have been 2) I love to encourage others and 3) Factions are like family to me, so I thought that it would be great to help lead that family. This is actually my first WoX management position, but once I saw that this job was open I just knew it was calling my name.
Which part of your job do you find the most difficult ?
I think it's definately most difficult to find motivation. I love what I do but getting started just kills me. I am such a bad procrastinator. You should see my school gradebook, sheeesh, so many late assignments.
IRL, in what faction do you think you would be ?
I would also be Erudite in real life. While I do value selflessnes, I often get impatient with others when they don't have the desire to learn. Learning is a big hobby of mine, as well as reading and writing. I guess I could also fit in candor or amity as well, but sometimes I would prefer to keep things to myself. I couldn't live a life where everyone is honestly rude to one another. I also couldn't live with artificial kindness.
Do you want to say anything to finish this interview ?
Thank you so much for the interview! Also to those reading, join Erudite! If you're a part of it already-- earn those points!
And sadly, this is the end of this interview ! And as Yi-Jin said,