Usually I like going on my own but for this adventure, I needed someone to come with me. Since The Fringe is considered dangerous territory, I asked our Racing Instructor Jensen Miller to accompany me. For those of you who don't know not only is he an Instructor here in Chicago but also the President of The Reaper Crew Motorcycle Club. Who better to ask to come with right? So with my guide and provisions, we left Chicago and stepped into The Fringe.
Stepping into the Fringe is like stepping into a whole other world. It looks like some type of wasteland desert. I guess that's what happens when a war almost wipes out human kind. Although there is some plantlife, the landscape is bare. Jensen and I got caught in a rainstorm, if you want to call it that. The rain is not normal in the fringe. It falls blood red. Probably due to it being toxic but I wouldn't know. I like everyone else pretty much grew up in the saftey of Chicago. We took cover under what was left of some type of train station maybe? I couldn't be for sure cause the building itself was so run down. We waited for maybe half an hour before the rain let up. Then we continued our venture. There was very little signs of life, no animals, very few plants and the streams that ran with water where blood red, matching the dirt that surrounded us.
We did happen to come upon a small city made of tents. This is where the Fringe born live. The first makeshift camp we came to seemed to be full of peaceful people. They reminded me of the Factionliess back in Chicago, except the factionless had actual buildings to live in. Anyway the people there, got along famously and Jensen and I were welcomed with open arms. We got to see how they lived and even ate a meal with them. They seem to enjoy our tails of living in Chicago. Jensen then met with who he said was the President of the Reaper Crew Fringe Charter, while I further explored the tents that had been built in the camp and regailed the people with my stories of growing up in Dauntless. Once Jensen was done with his meeting, we bid our goodbyes and continued on.
Our next stop took us to another makeshift camp, this one wasn't so friendly. This on contained not only peaceful people, but raiders as well. Raiders are people who find and take fringe born kids, I'm assuming for the Bureau to brainwash? I wouldn't know. Anyway, the raiders weren't too friendly with us when they saw Jensen in his Reaper Crew MC Cut. After a few punches where thrown, mostly on Jensen's behalf, we quickly left. I didn't want to get busted by Fringe Police and neither did he.
Once we left the second camp, we made our way back to Chicago. We both were dirty and in desperate need of showers and some sleep. Did I mention we made this trek almost completly on foot? We left Chicago on Jensen's motorcycle but because the terrain getting rough he had to stash his bike close to the wall. Anyway, we finally made it back to Chicago after a day in The Fringe. Would I go back? Totally? Would I want to live there? Probably not, but the trek itself was fun and I totally recommend it for anyone who is seeking an adventure.
That's it for this segment. Where do you want to see me go next? Leave a comment and let me know? I may just use your suggestions.
Much Love,